...To copy something is the sincerest form of flattery...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nursery Week

I recently had my first child.  I often refer to her as Little Bean so here on this blog I will call her LB for short.  She is currently two months old and just started smiling.  Using her as inspiration, I made a bird themed nursery.  Today, I would like to show you the pictures of her completed nursery and then this week I will break down each of the projects I did and explain how you can copy the project!


The room from the door...and our dog Rufio

The crib and the mobile/wall hanging (tutorial to come)
The glider and the tree painting with bird house and birds (tutorial to come)  


  1. Not a prob babe! The tree is adorable! I can't wait to see how you did it. My sis-in-law has a 4 month old and has been dying to do something like this in her room. Can't wait to show her!

  2. Oooooh OOoooH FRIEND! I love the way the birds turned out.
